Spirulina products list

Showing all 4 results

  • NAD+ Test Kit


    The NAD+ test is a diagnostic tool designed to measure levels of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), a coenzyme involved in energy metabolism and DNA repair. By providing a detailed analysis of NAD+ levels, this test offers valuable insights into cellular health and aging.

  • Spirulina Serum

    Spirulina Serum


    FITOTERRA Spirulina Serum – face and body skin serum

    Light water-based skin care serum enriched with active and deeply absorbed substances from cell disruption technology spirulina (Cell Disruption Spirulina). The serum provides daily skin protection and reduces skin aging processes by smoothing wrinkles and regenerating skin cells. Provides the skin with necessary substances and helps to strengthen the immune functions of the skin.

  • Spirulina Serum + Spray set



    Thanks to science and innovation, interacting active spirulina substances provide your skin and body with necessary components. Cell Disruption is unique Technology that naturally allows to open spirulina cell and release all important nutrients:

    The Cell Disrupted Fitoterra product line is a powerful complex of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and amino acids – everything that is most valuable from nature. Food supplement and cosmetics products based on Cell Disrupted Spirulina can help strengthen the body physiological function and slow down the aging process.

    The most advanced product line with Cell Disrupted Technology created for everyday skin and body. Harmonized plant origin ingredients are combined with innovative solution that is why Fitoterra product line is equivalent to the elixir of youth

    • nourish and restore
    • cell renewal
    • antioxidant protection
    • fight against free radicals
    • strengthening vital functions
    • anti-aging
  • Spirulina Spray



    Breathe life anew.

    Feel healthier, younger, and more energetic. Spirulina Spray is food for a healthy body and soul.

    Designed for daily use to enrich the body with active and well-absorbed compounds.

    The unique cell-opening technology of “Cell Disruption” allows the extraction and use of the entire composition of spirulina ingredients in an active form, without damaging or destroying the positive qualities themselves.

    • Mental function
    • Immunity
    • Energy
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